First of all, I must give all the credits to that extraordinairy developer from ”xda-developers”! He is a worldwide recognized developer and his name is Chainfire. He had SGS II, and now he also stepped into the beuatiful world of Galaxy Note and made us happy!!!
So this is his tutorial, but I will be happy to provide help and support here on ip-mart anyway I can.
PLEASE read carefully all the way down to the 2nd post and if you are not sure about something, ask and I will respond. But please don’t ask dumm questions.
ALWAYS have a recent backup in case of something goes wrong. You are responsible for your phones and only you!
Post #1 > General information
Post #2 > Installation guides
Post #3 > Downloads area for CF-Root kernels
[22.11.2011][CF-Root 5.0] KJ1/4/6, KK1/9/A – su+bb+CWM5
This rooted kernel is for the "rooting beginners" and those who want to keep as close to stock as possible. CF-Root takes the kernel from an original Samsung firmware, and just adds root, busybox, and ClockWorkMod recovery.
THIS IS NOT A ROM – it is only a modified kernel. You need to have the relevant firmware already on your device. You do NOT need to wipe anything for this patch. You DO need to read the instructions. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE FIRST FEW POSTS!
Main features
- The kernel is fully stock and taken from the original firmware, with just the following added:
- Root
- Busybox v1.19.2-cm71
- ClockWorkMod Recovery 5
- CWM Manager (see below for more detail)
- Custom boot / init scripts
- Custom boot animations
Installation instructions
Please see the next post !
Other kernels
Replacing CF-Root with other kernels and vice-versa sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t have a list.
When going from CF-Root to another kernel, root will usually stay, while CWM will be lost (unless the other kernel also includes it), but there should not be issues. The CWM Manager app may remain, but probably won’t do anything useful.
CF-Root includes a custom version of CWM5. I always make custom versions, as the originals often do not take some Samsung specific things into account.
CF-Root/CWM5 is NOT compatible with ROM Manager! Manage/perform your backup/restores from CWM directly or using the CWM Manager application included with CF-Root
- Booting into recovery will immediately give you CWM. The standard recovery will only be started if a Samsung package is detected.
- ADB is functional in recovery, however it may take up to a minute for it to start up after booting into recovery.
CWM Manager
Because of incompatibilities with ROM Manager, I wrote and included "CWM Manager". This is a new app (as of March 30, 2011). You can find it under Applications -> CWM. It is much faster to use than manually booting into CWM and selecting these options.
- Boot to ClockWorkMod Recovery
- Boot to Download mode
- Reboot normally
- Backup firmware
- Restore backups (including partition selection)
- Delete backups
- Install APKs
- Flash CWM3/4/5’s
- Flash kernels (zImage, zImage in TAR, zImage in ZIP, zImage in TAR in ZIP)
— without changing warning triangle status or increasing flash counter
- Flash complete firmwares (seperate files as well as .tar and .tar.md5 archives, dump files in /sdcard/external_sd/firmware folder)
— without changing warning triangle status or increasing flash counter
— can pre-root new firmwares during flash
Note: If you flash a different kernel, CWM Manager may remain installed. However, functions may not work, because they need kernel compatibility !
Custom boot / init scripts
CF-Root will execute the following scripts if present, in the order listed:
- /system/etc/init.d/* (there can be many files here, no extensions! use #!)
- /system/bin/ (busybox sh)
- /system/xbin/ (busybox sh)
- /data/local/ (busybox sh)
Please make sure you chown / chmod the scripts correctly so they can be executed. Pretty much root:root / 755.
Custom boot animations and binaries
CF-Root also supports custom boot animations:
- /system/media/
- /data/local/
And custom boot binaries:
- /data/local/bootanimation.bin
Installing busybox over the included version
It is possible to install a custom busybox over CF-Root v3.0 and newer. However, this is not without risk. CF-Root makes heavy use of scripting, and many CF-Root scripts rely on the internal busybox version. If you do install a seperate busybox version (always use "stericson" installer!), install it to /system/xbin. Installing it to /system/bin will mess things up for sure. Even if you do that part right, it may still break CF-Root, so make sure to make a backup before trying.
How ?
I wrote my own toolchain to ease patching of initramfs, and that is what all this is based on. It is now used to make CF-Root for many devices!
Help! Which file do I use ?
Listen closely, for I will say zis only once!
Go to Settings -> About phone -> Kernel Version. Note the string present there:
What matters most (KJ4) in this case, is in bold. Try to find the matching file under downloads:
The XX and XEN identifiers are not that important. Usually a "KJ4" kernel is a "KJ4" kernel, and that is that. Sometimes (pretty rare) it happens there will be multiple different kernels with the same name in different firmwares, that are actually different. If this happens, they are usually only very minor changes and you should expect them to still be fully compatible. I include the "XX" and "XEN" identifiers so the very advanced users can deduce from which full firmware I have taken the kernel file.
Don’t worry too much, just find the matching download and use it. What if there is no matching download ? You can ask me to make one, but I can tell you right now, I very very rarely make CF-Root’s for kernels on request, unless it is the very latest kernel that has been released by Samsung. In the latter case, be sure to let me know. If there’s no match and I’m not making one, try finding the closest match. You should treat "KJ4" as a number, but instead of 1-9, we have 1-9, A-Z (where A would be 10, and Z would be 35). "KJ3" is really close to "KJ4", "KF1" is not close to "KG4" at all. I hope that makes sense.
@Developers: I have noticed that doing a NANDROID RESTORE while connected to your computer AND Eclipse is running may cause the restore to fail. Eclipse automatically starts logcatting in the background, which will prevent /system from being properly restored.
These are general-purpose downloads. See the posts following this one for the kernels.
Installation intructions:
The Samsung Galaxy Note keeps track of the kind of kernel you are running (stock or custom) and how often you have flashed kernels. This is probably for warranty purposes. There is currently no known way to reset this counter on the SGN.
So, what we want to do is get root, busybox, and CWM, all without getting that ugly yellow triangle or updating the flash counter on our device. Luckily, CF-Root allows for all these things. The new CWM Manager even allows you to flash new firmwares and apply root to them while flashing.
We need to get rid of ODIN pretty much completely, and we can! The difficult part is getting root the first time, after that, it should be happy camping forever.
— Chapter 1: Initial application of root —
This is the annoying part. There are three different methods:
1.1. If you are already rooted
- Download the attached "" and extract it somewhere
- Download one of the CF-Root kernels, and extract it (repeat) until you end up with a zImage file
- Place the zImage file from the CF-Root kernel in the zImage folder from InitialRootFlasher
- Start "already-rooted.bat" and follow the instructions
For those needing to do this manually (Linux boxes and such), this is the important command. Place the zImage file on your phone (example: /data/local/zImage) and execute this command in a rooted shell:
dd if=/data/local/zImage of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 bs=4096
1.2. If you are not rooted yet: Using the zergRush exploit
(while it still works on our firmwares, this exploit will probably be fixed soon! Known to work on KJ1 and KJ4 firmwares)
- Download the attached "" and extract it somewhere
- Download one of the CF-Root kernels, and extract it (repeat) until you end up with a zImage file
- Place the zImage file from the CF-Root kernel in the zImage folder from InitialRootFlasher
- Start "not-rooted-yet.bat" and follow the instructions
— Chapter 2: Getting rid of ODIN —
This is easy. Find ODIN, and delete it. In the future you should only need it to flash bootloaders, which probably will only really be needed one time: when upgrading from Gingerbread to Ice Cream Sandwich.
— Chapter 3: Upgrading your firmware —
My CWM Manager application has a full-fledged firmware flasher built in. Using the flasher from CWM Manager does NOT give you the yellow triangle or increase the flash counter.
3.1. Flashing a new kernel
This is easy. CWM Manager can flash zImage files (on any rooted kernel), zImage files inside a .tar file (only on a CF-Root kernel), and zImage files inside a (only on a CF-Root kernel). Note that zImage must be the ONLY file in an archive, if is is inside a tar or zipped tar.
- Put the zImage (or tar, or zip) file on your SD card
- Open the CWM Manager app
- Select "Flash kernel"
- Select the file you just put on your device
- CWM Manager will flash the kernel and reboot
If you flash a non-CF-Root kernel, you will lose a lot of functionality from CWM Manager. However, the app will (likely) still allow you to flash kernels.
3.2. Flashing a new firmware (If you are not interested, just don’t read this)
Important: This works ONLY on a CF-Root kernel !
CWM Manager has the ability to flash firmware parts either from separate files (zImage, factoryfs.img, etc) or from .tar / .tar.md5 files that they usually come packaged in.
- Download the firmware you want to flash
- If you have a ZIP or RAR file, extract it until you have seperate files, or .tar / .tar.md5 files
- Create a folder named ‘firmware‘ on your external SD card
- Copy the files you want to flash to this folder ( /sdcard/external_sd/firmware ). factoryfs ("system") is mandatory part at the moment.
- TIP: If you are flashing a new firmware that already has a CF-Root kernel available, put it in the ‘firmware’ folder as well in zImage or .tar form (NOT .zip). Select it when asked which kernel to use, then use the "Flash normally" option later on.
- Open the CWM Manager app
- Select "Flash stock firmware"
- At this point, CWM Manager will tell you about the firmware parts it has found, and which ones it will flash. It will also give you warnings about bootloaders and PIT files if those were found. If some firmware parts are present multiple times, it will ask you which file to use as source.
- If what you are flashing includes both kernel and system parts, CWM Manager will warn you about this as you are about to lose root. It will provide you with three options:
1: Keep CF-Root kernel
Keeps the current CF-Root kernel, only flash the other parts. You will not lose root or CWM Recovery. You can flash a newer CF-Root kernel later (or maybe you have already done so), see 3.1 above.
2: Pre-root system
Flashes both kernel and system parts, but roots system during the flash. You will lose CWM Recovery, but you will keep root (if all goes well). The CWM Manager application will also remain, and allow you to flash the correct CF-Root kernel at a different time (if you have not done so before), see 3.1 above.
3: Flash normally
Doesn’t do anything specific. If the kernel you are flashing is not a CF-Root (or similar) kernel, you will lose root, and CWM Recovery.
- CWM Manager will reboot into CWM Recovery, and will flash the firmware, rebooting afterwards.
See the second post of the thread for flashing instructions. If you’re thinking about using ODIN to do it, you should probably read that post.
Unzip the folowing files 2 times, till you reach the zImage.
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